“University of Iowa Health Care” is always correct when referring to our academic health system.
“UI Health Care” is acceptable on subsequent references.
When referencing additional UI Health Care locations in communications, a conversational tone is the best approach:
The University of Iowa Health Care logo is the core of the UI Health Care visual identity. Logo lockups are also available for approved UI Health Care sub-brands.
We have logo files available in a variety of file formats, and color options.
Looking for key UI Health Care facts and figures?
View or download these one-page fact sheets for an at-a-glance overview of our mission areas in medical education, research, patient care, and outreach/impact.
Download Fact Sheets
Children’s Hospital Fact Sheet
Please visit the UI Health Care Public Gallery on PhotoShelter.
This is a curated collection of assets for media and others not employed by University of Iowa Health Care. You’ll find photography of UI Health Care buildings, leadership, patient care, and medical programs and students.
These images are only for non-commercial, news, or editorial use. These are not to be used for commercial or advertising purposes unless first permitted, in writing, by University of Iowa Health Care.
For media-related inquiries, or to schedule interviews for subject matter experts, please contact the Media Relations Team via their shared phone and email lines for the quickest and most direct response.
For more information on University of Iowa branding, please visit their university brand site.
If you have other questions, please email us. Faculty and staff of UI Health Care can visit The Loop for more branding tools and templates.
For sponsorship-related inquiries, or to request educational experiences or outreach collaborations, please visit the Community Outreach and Engagement website or contact the Outreach and Engagement team.